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MENU 1. "Dinner Menu"

This menu consists of:

  • Appetizer (Everyone)

  • Main Course (Choose 1)

  • Side Dishes (Choose 2)

  • Dessert (Optional)


This is a great menu to incorporate into an assignment or project, if you have central tasks/themes/goals you'd like the whole class to complete. The idea is to have mandatory items, camouflaged with student-picked options. The dessert course is optional...(it's usually a fun ending choice, so kids tend to complete it anyways!)

MENU 2. "TIC-tac-TOE"


This menu consists of:

  • A blank "Tic-tac-Toe" template

  • Menu should be filled in with various tasks for required or student-based choosing


—Can be used for all students, but you may have a required box/ row/ column for different groups of learners.

  • —Example: My (gifted) Lorax group must complete one from the second row, but you can choose your other 2 activities from anywhere on the board.

Students can complete tasks vertically, horizontally, or diagonally!

MENU 3. "Agenda/List"


This menu consists of:

  • Activities

  • Points


This menu is like a challenge list. You come up with the activities and the point rankings for each activity. Keep in mind, the greater number of points, the more challenging task at hand. This allows students to select ALL of the tasks they want to complete, as long as it adds up to the amount of points necessary to finish the project.

What is a MENU?

A type of learning that provides a “menu” of activities-some that all students must do, and some that allow students choices.

   A learning menu ensures that each learner focuses on knowledge, understanding and skills designated as essential.   

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